
Open source software developer

Adfinis logo
21-100 employees
  • B2B
  • Data storage
  • Enterprise
  • Consulting
  • Cyber Security
  • DevOps
  • Automation
  • Cloud Computing
Monbijou, Bern, BE

Company mission

Adfinis' mission is to foster Open Source technology, deliver high-quality work, and run mission-critical systems around the clock, so customers can focus on their core business.

Our take

Founded in 2000, Adfinis has been an active player in the open-source ecosystem for more than two decades. The company works with both public and private sector clients across a broad spectrum of IT projects, from data protection to cyber security.

Open-source software is exploding in popularity at enterprise level, due mainly to its speed of deployment, and this has brought with it an increased demand for expertise. Since so many companies are unable to hire open source talent internally, Adfinis is in a strong position to capitalise – especially given its long history in the sector.

Adfinis began an international expansion in 2020 – timed quite perfectly as demand for open source services escalated. Since then, the company has made several key appointments at executive level as it looks to continue its upward trajectory, claiming industry accolades long the way.

Kirsty headshot


Company Specialist at Welcome to the Jungle


  • No Clean Desk Policy: We have no open-plan offices and no clean desk concept. You are welcome to set up your workplace as you like.
  • Training: We are happy to invest in further training for our employees and take over training, conference visits and exams to help you with your job.
  • Open Source Principal: Our company DNA is based on the open source principle. If these ideals are important to you, you will find many like-minded people with us. Open source contributions are explicitly desired and promoted.
  • Vocational Teaching: We are proud that every year several trainees complete our apprenticeship – various awards confirm us in this regard.
  • Flexible Working Models: Whether full-time or part-time, in addition to a course of study or full-time - we offer you flexible working hours that take into account your living conditions.
  • Central Locations: Our modern offices are centrally located and easily accessible by public transport.
  • Transparent Pay Model: We work with a transparent pay and tier model and attach great importance to wage fairness.
  • Leave: Five weeks of leave, 40 hours a week, two weeks of paternity leave, flexible solutions for unpaid leave and one-to-one compensation for overtime are standard for us.
  • No Body Leasing: We don't do body leasing. You have your fixed workplace with us where you spend most of your time. This, like a strong team cohesion with a lot of expertise, means that you can benefit from on a daily basis.

Company values

  • Openness and transparency – At Adfinis, we are convinced that open source is the future of technology and we consistently rely on the innovative power of open and free software. In this context, "free" refers to the general meaning of freedom
  • Sustainable solutions without vendor lock-in – On the open source market, customers are free to choose from whom they source their products and services. Since there is no dependence on the manufacturer, the choice of options is manifold and the further development of a product is guaranteed in the long term. Instead of tying our customers with software licences, we prefer to convince them again and again with our professional service and know-how
  • Together with the community – As Adfinis, we are part of a worldwide open source community. With the accumulated knowledge and the joint work on free software projects, the open source movement is driven by the community. Thanks to this global networking and the combination of professionalism and expertise, we are able to develop solutions in the shortest possible time that are precisely tailored to the needs of our customers
  • Flexible, sincere and efficient – Working together at Adfinis is characterised by flexibility, sincerity and efficiency. This enables us to offer our customers our services and solutions at the highest level and at the same time to make cooperation in the various teams as pleasant and uncomplicated as possible across borders
  • Digital sovereignty and sustainability – The open program code turns the mass of all existing open source software into a huge kit that is equally accessible to all. By participating in this sustainable approach, we develop solutions for our customers that do not bind them to us or any other organisation. The freedom to choose a different service provider at any time and the open standards and interfaces we use mean digital sovereignty instead of vendor dependency for our customers


Nicolas Christener

(CEO, not founder)

Has been with Adfinis since 2006, beginning as a Software Development Division Manager. They became CEO in 2017.