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To provide all crypto traders with algorithms to improve their trading experience with substantial cost savings.
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Anboto Labs is a research and trading Lab building execution tool on CeFi (centralized finance) and DeFi (decentralized finance), providing crypto traders with an execution platform to trade through one single app.
With a focus on enhancing the trading experience, Anboto offers a suite of advanced features including sophisticated order types, intelligent order routing, and comprehensive pre and post-trade analysis. Additionally, its pair trading execution capability adds another layer of versatility to its platform, promising to make a significant impact in the crypto market.
Backed by leading VCs and investors in the crypto space, including Cherry Ventures, Kronos Research, Mechanism Capital, MGNR, Sino Global Capital, XBTO, and more., the company is hoping to expand its current team and grow its name.
Company Specialist at Welcome to the Jungle
Oct 2023
Guillaume Forcade
(Co-Founder)Alongside Anboto Labs, Guillaume is the Founder and CEO of Scorelab.io, as well as the Co-Founder of Global Wine Score.