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To scale the drug discovery process, by leveraging a unique-in-the world technology combining quantum-inspired physics and machine learning.
The billion dollar drug discovery industry is set to see notable growth by 2032 with huge R&D investments being made. It’s generally accepted that this is one of the most important financed sectors in the world. Aqemia joined the discovery train in 2019 with its deep physics and AI enabled drug revelation pipeline.
The company boasts its intricate level of accuracy within its physics algorithms that are fed into AI discovery, leading to a level of speed and in turn scaling drug discovery at an impressive rate. Creating a name for itself Aqemia moves away from using experimental data and bases the AI powered outcomes on years of data and studies of its now impressive team of 50.
Aqemia’s discoveries have already made an impact in oncology and immuno-oncology trials. The company sets goals to be part of more life changing clinical trials with wholly or partly owned drug candidates and continues to scale its platform to continue wins in its research. It will be exciting to see how more research and collaborations like that with Servier (international pharmaceutical company) will continue to grow its success.
Company Specialist at Welcome to the Jungle
Dec 2024
Jan 2024
Maximilien Levesque
(CEO)Currently a Board Member of France Biotech. Founded Personal HPC and worked through several roles at École normale supérieure most recently as a Research Group Leader.
Previous Principal at Boston Consulting Group after completing a Master of Science Imperial College of London.