
Enterprise-grade blockchain

Aventus logo
21-100 employees
  • Fintech
  • B2B
  • Cryptocurrency
  • Enterprise
  • Deep Tech
  • SaaS
  • Blockchain
Finsbury, London, UK

Company mission

To enable companies in any ecosystem to capitalise on a vast series of use cases – including NFTs, video games, loyalty schemes, event ticketing, supply chain provenance, and cargo management – via enterprise-grade modular architecture and future-proof themselves via blockchain interoperability.

Our take

The rapid development of blockchain technology continues, helping in the verification and traceability of multistep transactions. However, layer-one blockchain networks such as Ethereum are ill adept to scale, handling a meagre number of transactions per second. Aventus is a layer-two blockchain protocol for Ethereum transactions, relieving applications from the throughput limitations of the Ethereum blockchain network.

Aventus was founded in 2016, initially to tackle event ticketing by bringing transparency to ticketing lifecycles and providing security to the transfer and validity of tickets, ultimately reducing ticket fraud. The layer-two nature of Aventus ensures a fast enough transaction speed to make such uses deployable, whilst retaining the protections of the layer-one blockchain. Use cases of Aventus’ network have extended to include video game currencies and collectables, loyalty schemes, and NFTs.

Aventus recently partnered with Scytale Ventures and received grant funds that helped it become a Polkadot parachain, making the network interoperable with the growing Polkadot network as well as Ethereum. The company is exploring new uses for the network, with the possibility of progression into finance, advertising, sports and more.

Steph headshot


Company Specialist at Welcome to the Jungle


Alan Vey

(Co-founder & Chairman)

Co-Founder and Chairman of VereNFT. Co-founder and former Board Member of Artos Systems and of FanDragon Technologies. Also co-founded Labthi.ng.

Annika Monari


Founder and CEO of Ask Coral. Co-founder and former CEO of Artos Systems. Also co-founded Labthi.ng.