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To provide fish meat that is free from heavy metals, antibiotics, and microplastics, ensuring both the health of consumers and the environment.
The world is in the midst of an overfishing crisis, with unreported and unregulated fishing resulting in close to 90% of global marine fish stocks being fully exploited, overexploited, or depleted. To combat this, BLUU Seafood has developed "fish meat without the fishing", with lab-cultivated seafood made from fish cells.
BLUU's approach is a strong candidate to replace conventional seafood practices. It promises no further destruction of the oceans, location-independent production capabilities, 100% traceable ingredients, and premium quality assurance. In the race to achieve industrial-scale seafood production, it has already crossed a number of development milestones, for example with its GMO-free cell lines and high-performance growth media.
Having raised considerable funding, the company is now pushing towards regulatory approval and the opportunity to begin worldwide distribution of its first products - lab-grown fish sticks and fish balls. It also plans to invest in further research and development, initiate pilot production in Hamburg, and eye market entry into Singapore where the sale of cultivated chicken was approved in 2020.
Company Specialist at Welcome to the Jungle
Jun 2023
Mar 2021
Dr. Sebastian Rakers
(CEO)Earned a Research Doctorate in Biotechnology from the University of Lübeck. Has experience in Project Management, and was Division Lead at the Fraunhofer Research Institution for Marine Biotechnology and Cell Technology.
Simon Fabich
(Managing Director)Co-Founder and Partner at EVIG Group. Co-founding Investor of Nosh.bio, Perfeggt, and Arkeon Biotechnologies, and a Venture Partner with Purple Orange Ventures.