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To add value to work and make it accessible to everyone.
Many workplaces such as healthcare facilities and hospitality venues fluctuate in how busy they are, and this regularly results in understaffed teams or overspending on staffing. Whilst agencies provide temporary staffing solutions, this requires extensive, convoluted, and time-consuming communication and bureaucracy between agencies and their staff, making it difficult to find backup at short notice.
Brigad provides an application which allows freelancers to find temporary local work in order to fill the staffing gaps of businesses. Both businesses and freelancers can access the staffing marketplace through the Brigad smartphone app; utilizing profiles, reviews, and on-demand proposals to find appropriate workplace matches.
Although freelancer marketplaces such as Malt and Comet fulfil adjacent purposes, Brigad's market is for in-person work that requires specific skills - such as sous-chef or nurse - opposed to business and tech roles. For now, it is focused on the hospitality and healthcare sectors, but there is potential to move into new sectors in the future. The company has raised significant funds that will enable it to grow its marketplace and double down on its two core markets, France and the UK.
Company Specialist at Welcome to the Jungle
Feb 2023
May 2019
This company has top investors
Florent Malbranche
(CEO)Experience as Co-Founder of Printic from 2012 to 2015. Co-founded Brigad as CEO in 2015.
Jean Lebrument
(CPO)Experience as Lead iOS Developer of Printic. Co-founded Brigad in 2015 as CTO & CPO.