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To be the easiest place to buy or sell your car in Canada.
Automotive reselling and financing has traditionally always been executed at the dealership. But now, car purchases are increasingly happening online, with Canada Drives leading the charge,
Canada Drives has focused on leveraging its centralised digital platform to enhance the purchase experience. For example, The company owns its entire inventory of vehicles, delivers them to customer’s doors, and grants a 7-day trial, all of which would be too costly under antiquated dealership models.
Canada Drives is going to use its recent funding to keep enhancing the product, grow its inventory in existing and new markets and hire more talent over the next year, particularly in product development.
Company Specialist at Welcome to the Jungle
Jun 2022
Aug 2021
Cody Green
(Co-CEO)Graduated from MacEwan University. Prior to founding Canada Drives, they spent a great portion of their professional life working in dealerships across Western Canada.