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To support any insight team that analyses any kind of open-ended feedback.
Agencies and brands that handle customer feedback using LLMs often face the challenge of open-ended queries and analysis accuracy, creating backlogs and diminished remedying capabilities. Caplena is an automation platform that accelerates the rate at which LLMs understand language that might otherwise be too open-ended for the AI to compute.
Caplena’s clients consist of market researchers, CX professionals and consultants who use the automation platform to uncover deeper insights into customer feedback without requiring lengthy human input. Its platform aggregates trends and common topics in customer feedback sorts data and is customisable with human-made APIs to focus research better. Ultimately, the Caplena platform makes understanding and acting upon a company’s customer feedback quicker and more precise.
Since founding in 2018, Caplena has doubled its text response processing capacity every six months, indicating a company that is snowballing in its output and pre-Series A funding is being used to develop a go-to-market strategy to match its growth and that of its clients' evolving needs. Its platform is used by Fortune 500 enterprises and CX freelancers, exemplifying Caplena’s large market potential.
Company Specialist at Welcome to the Jungle
Pascal de Buren
(Co-CEO & Co-Founder)Previously worked in Medical Image Processing for Kantonsspital Aarau AG, Visiting Associate Internship at The Boston Consulting Group, was the President and Project Manager at ETH Juniors.
Maurice Gonzenbach
(Co-CEO and Co-Founder)Previously Platoon Leader in the Swiss Armed Forces, Research Assistant at ZHAW School of Engineering, Associate Consultant Intern at Bain & Company and was the President at ETH Juniors.