Carbo Culture

Carbon removal solution

Carbo Culture logo
21-100 employees
  • Environmental
  • Science
Ruoholahti, Helsinki, Uusimaa

Company mission

To remove 1 billion tons of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

Our take

In the global fight against climate change, it is necessary to reduce or eliminate carbon emissions from as many processes as possible. Carbo Culture is a carbon removal company focussed on reducing emissions associated with food waste, by transforming organic substances into biochar - a material with agricultural and construction applications.

The company takes waste biomass from places such as nut processing plants and vineyards, and uses its reactors to store the carbon permanently in solid biochar. It operates two reactors at its site in California - one that was built to demonstrate its process, and the second that is being used to investigate how to deploy its technology at scale.

With fresh funding secured in 2023, the company has plans to embark on a new stage of commercialisation and deployment, using its R&D efforts over the last year to develop commercial scale projects. With this, the company expresses the potential to play a key role in decarbonisation efforts as the world reaches a crucial turning point for climate change.

Freddie headshot


Company Specialist at Welcome to the Jungle


  • Multinational environment

Funding (last 2 of 5 rounds)

Nov 2023



Mar 2022



Total funding: $27.3m


Was a Board Member at Yleiselektroniikka for 2 years. Co-founded and was Chair of the Board at Mehackit, and is a former Helsinki Hub member of the Global Shapers Community.

Was a member of the Methane Hydrate Advisory Committee for the US Department of Energy. Founded and was CTO at Hydrate Dynamics, and was Creator and Technical Lead at Clean Water Challenge.