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To enable organizations to reduce, remove and utilize their emissions with carbon science.
The science is clear - any path that avoids global warming in excess of the 1.5C Paris Target requires us to pair emissions reductions with huge amounts (billions of tons) of CO2 removal from the atmosphere. Carbon Direct is one of the leading facilitators of a growing voluntary market to make that happen.
Instead of operating its own carbon removal technologies, Carbon Direct is focused on catalysing the industry as a whole. To that end, it has built two distinct leading services: software for Fortune 500 companies developing long-term carbon management plans and an investments business scaling the supply of quality removals.
Thus far, the company has built an impressive team of researchers that have been at the forefront of high-quality research & development including advising on Elon Musk’s $100M XPRIZE for Carbon Removal projects. The company is now using that reputation to launch software products that bring efficiency to carbon accounting, removals vetting and credit purchases.
The biggest challenge for the company will be executing with speed. Time is running out to reach the scale of carbon drawdown that we need to avoid catastrophic climate change.
Company Specialist at Welcome to the Jungle
Aug 2022
Jonathan Goldberg
(CEO)Prior to founding Carbon Direct, Jonathan was the founder and Managing Partner of BBL Commodities. Before this, they were a partner at Glencore and an Investor at Goldman Sachs in the J. Aron commodities division.