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To be invaluable to our clients, supporting them to innovate and make lasting improvements, and to build an exceptional company that attracts, develops, and retains a trusted and uniquely talented team.
Consultancy firm Carnall Farrar (CF) works at the nexus point of health systems and life sciences, providing consultation and data services and products for companies working across the healthcare market. With both private and public clients, it supports health systems with strategic advice, performance and management improvement.
Whilst its consultation services established its presence in the UK, the company has since grown to leverage tech innovations. This means that Carnall Farrar now supports bioscience and pharma companies in the development of new products, medical devices and diagnostics.
A data-driven company, Carnall Farrar has grown exponentially since its founding. Its laurels include four HSJ awards and a nod from the Financial Times as one of the best consulting firms in healthcare and life sciences.
Company Specialist at Welcome to the Jungle
Hannah Farrar
(Co-Founder & Chief Executive)Also the Board Member at Management Consultancies Association. Previously Director of Strategy, Commissioning and Provider Development at NHS London SHA, Head of Strategy at Monitor and was a Civil Servant at the Department of Health and Social Care.
Ben Richardson
(Co-Founder & Managing Partner)Previously Associate then Partner at McKinsey & Company, where they worked for over a decade.