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CastlePay's mission to transform homes into Castles by giving homeowners the tools to save time, save money, and automate away the overhead of running a home.
CastlePay is looking to digitally transform home economics with its household bill automation and consolidation platform. It will allow users to lump together all their various monthly bills into a single payment, send that to CastlePay (thereby earning cashback on debit or credit cards), who then post the relevant checks on their behalf.
With nearly half of Americans now struggling to pay household bills, it’s possible that a tool which takes the stress out of the process could prove popular. Certainly, bill consolidation is useful from a budgeting point of view - but how far users want to relinquish control over their household affairs remains to be seen.
That’s because the platform is still in beta testing, which is currently limited to the city of Hudson in New York. For now, CastlePay is onto a novel idea - and with the financial future of many Americans remaining uncertain, the timing could be good.
Company Specialist at Welcome to the Jungle
Madeline Hung
(Co-founder)A Harvard grad who went on to co-found decentralized 'country' The Good Country, and digital visa and passport manager Waypoint International. Is also an advisor for immigration startup Ellis.
Jordan Hayashi
(Co-founder)A Harvard grad who went on to co-found and serve as CEO at AirSpace Studios, teach mobile app development at Harvard Extension School, and then take various lead software roles at Kensho Technologies.
Hugo Van Vuuren
(Co-founder)A Harvard grad who went on to become a Harvard expert-in-residence for the engineering and applied sciences school. Is also co-founder of enterprise tech venture fund Work-Bench.