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To help the Data Science community build scalable, distributed, and intelligent applications powered by Python - so they can solve important problems.
Coiled is a DataOps and AIOps platform which gives Python users access to easy-to-use scalable computing. This enables Python to become a more viable and widely-adopted tool for data science, machine learning, and AI development.
They’ve hosted over 100 million data science and research tasks worldwide for the likes of Capital One and Anthem Health. Their partner roster includes AWS, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud. Further, it looks like the promising DataOps and AIOps markets to which Coiled caters are both set to gain traction in the years ahead.
Coiled is investing its latest round of funding into accelerating & expanding the development of its products, as well as funding further development of its highly-adopted Python platform Dask. It’s a smart move: surveyed data scientists returned an 87% preference for Python over other languages, so monopolizing this market will position Coiled well ahead in a popular and reliable sector.
Company Specialist at Welcome to the Jungle
May 2021
Oct 2020
This company has top investors
Matthew Rocklin
(CEO)After graduating from the University of Chicago, Matthew worked for almost 5 years as a Developer at Continuum Analytics. In February 2020, he left his role as System Software Manager at NVIDIA to found Coiled Computing, where he has worked as CEO since.