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To make development easy because they know what it's like when it's hard.
The developer market is crowded and can be confusing, and the strength of Deazy is the way it has streamlined the development process for the client.
Development contracts are often made with specialists whom clients already know, or they take a risk on an unknown quantity. In light of this, Deazy matches clients to a team of in-house developers. This team-based approach also means that companies receive a holistic service.
As a result, the range of Deazy's services are large - from product management to design - meaning there is considerable room for growth.
Deazy is transitioning to allow a self-serve platform-based experience. This means that every project and interaction would be managed via the Deazy platform, enabling a more efficient and scalable model.
Company Specialist at Welcome to the Jungle
Jan 2022
Oct 2020
Andy Peddar
(CEO)They have a background in management consultancy, having developed IT solutions for Heathrow, UCAS, AstraZeneca, the Premier League and Tesco among others. He founded Deazy in 2016.