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Our vision is to be the home of heritage. Our mission is to connect cultures and generations through shared passions.
50% female employees
Diaspo offers live, intimate and interactive cooking classes that promote cultural exchange. They strive to support the mental and physical health of people from older generations who have stopped working. The platform provides them with the opportunity to share their wealth of knowledge from years of experience, work on their passion and create meaningful intergenerational relationships.
Diaspo’s teachers have all been cooking for over 35 years, specialise in cuisines from all around the world, and share their experience while explaining how to make a delicious meal. They started life with face-to-face sessions in February 2020, but then switched to virtual (and initially free) ones during the Covid-19 lockdown.
The company won Nesta's Senior Ageing Prize, which celebrates initiatives that empower older adults to engage in entrepreneurship. The team believes in making a social impact and balancing purpose with profit.
Company Specialist at Welcome to the Jungle
Harish Malhi
(Founder)Ex-Business Development Lead at Google, and previously Head of Apps at Tab Media.