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To enable the investment product ecosystem by seamlessly integrating investment product information between asset managers and distribution networks.
Using data to better operations and efficiency is now a necessity, but organizations often find it difficult to collect and make use of the data they need. In the investment industry, FE fundinfo provides a solution to this, with its data platform that connects asset managers and distribution networks.
The platform has a range of capabilities suitable for both asset managers and distribution networks. This supports everything from filing, document production and analytics, to tax calculation and risk profiling. Through this comprehensive approach, the company is able to support true connectivity in the industry and drive efficiency and revenue for its clients.
In recent years, FE fundinfo has embarked on a series of acquisitions, most recently of fund distribution service Adjuto and wealth management fintech. Dericon. These acquisitions enable the company to continue expanding the scope of its offering and better serve new and existing clients.
Company Specialist at Welcome to the Jungle
Philipp Portmann
(Head of Business Development & Strategy)Member of the Board at Investment Navigator, and former Research Analyst for ifund services AG.
Sales & Account Management