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To use their payments processing platform to create positive social change.
Travel companies are required by the Package Travel Regulations to protect customer payments. Merchant acquirers, who process card payments for the travel merchants, are obliged by the card schemes (Visa & MC) to refund the customer in case of failure of the merchant to fulfill the booking. The regulations require insurance, bonds or trust accounts to cover this risk and merchant acquirers pass on their risk in the form of higher processing fees to the merchants. Prior to felloh! data has not been available or poor quality with little visibility on the actual risks and where protection overlaps, so pricing is made blind.
Felloh! monitor the status of all payments in and out of the travel industry ecosystem. The company integrates with the merchant acquirers, travel merchants booking systems and provide ‘bank’ accounts to manage all payments in and out, eliminating guesswork and allowing accurate mitigation of the risk at lower cost.
This is popular amongst merchant acquirers, as they turn travel from high risk to low risk. As well as this, Felloh! help travel companies better manage compliance, payments, reconciliation and cash flow.
Company Specialist at Welcome to the Jungle
William Bicknell
(Founder)Previously Marketing Manager at Marshall Cavendish, Commerical Director and co-founder at Chillisauce for 11 years, and CEO at Carsift for 5 years.