
Video gamer platform & community

Gamestry logo
1-20 employees
  • B2C
  • Retail
  • Marketplace
  • Gaming
  • eSports
  • Video
El Parc i la Llacuna del Poblenou, Barcelona, Spain

Company mission

To empower gamers to build an audience while making a living out of their passion.

Our take

Gamestry is on a mission to offer video game content creators a better way of making money than YouTube or other mainstream video channels, while offering video game enthusiasts a platform and community to watch content.

Unlike streaming giant Twitch, Gamestry focuses on non-live, on-demand content rather than live streams. The platform, which currently only operates in Spanish, has undergone a period of incredible growth in recent years, leading to seven-figure investment from Goodwater Capital.

The founders have kept their finger to the pulse of the industry and listened to the common pain points of streamers – chiefly unfavourable revenue shares and too few income streams. This prompted Gamestry to pivot from educational gaming content to its current model.

While the startup has been thriving back home in Spain and Latin America, the next challenge is to go global by adding other major languages. With YouTube Gaming as well as Facebook Gaming both emerging to satisfy a huge demand, Gamestry has a great opportunity to take a hefty market share.

Kirsty headshot


Company Specialist at Welcome to the Jungle


  • Company equity
  • Amazing work environment within a dynamic start

Funding (last 2 of 3 rounds)

Apr 2022



Sep 2021



Total funding: $8.4m


Was Product Manager at software development company Cimkey.

Former Product Advisor at Wiz Music. Content creator and podcast host (Foc a Terra, Safareig).

Previously a Tax Attorney at Grant Thornton, before becoming Brand Manager at sports equipment company Snow Factory.