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To keep developers productive and happy in the cloud-native era.
7% employee growth in 12 months
The widespread adoption of cloud native technologies such as containers and Kubernetes has made it easier than ever to operate and scale applications. But important developer workflows have been overlooked or neglected along the way. Many developers find that they’re now less productive than they were before the cloud native era. In fact, one 2021 survey in the US found that, on average, developers are spending 15 hours a week managing tasks such as debugging pipelines and waiting for tests and builds to complete. Put into figures, the hidden costs involved could be as much as $61 billion a year in the US alone.
This is what Garden wants to fix. Garden makes it easy to spin up production-like environments for development, testing, and CI, and to use the same workflows for every stage of the process. With Garden, developers get fast feedback exactly when they need it, and DevOps teams are no longer bogged down with provisioning and managing ad hoc environments. With a business model based on improving user efficiency, Garden is hoping to access a market of cloud native engineers which is rapidly growing.
Founded in 2018, Garden has generated a lot of attention. Following big funding in 2022, the company is now focused on rapid growth. Especially following the general release of 'Garden Enterprise', its development automation platforms for teams, Garden will be concentrating on building enterprise partnerships and expanding its consumer base.
Company Specialist at Welcome to the Jungle
Feb 2022
Nov 2020
This company has top investors
Jon Edvald
(CEO)An experienced entrepreneur and developer, they have a background in software engineering and data science, having worked at CLARA, Jive Software, Plain Vanilla Productions and Clue.
Thorarinn Sigurdsson
(VP of Engineering)They have a Bsc in Mathematics and previously worked in Algorithm Design at CLARA.
Eythor Magnusson
(CTO)They have an ex-software specialist and mobile developer and was CTO at Admittor for almost 5 years.