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To transform small molecule drug discovery to solve critical patient needs.
Genesis Therapeutics is at the forefront of advancing drug creation to foster better healthcare outcomes. the company offers an AI-powered molecule discovery platform, known as GEMS, designed to empower medical researchers. By seamlessly integrating AI with biotech, GEMS leverages deep learning and molecular simulations to explore uncharted territories within chemical space, unveiling novel opportunities for functional drugs.
Boasted to be the "industry's most advanced molecular AI platform", GEMS accelerates the discovery of small molecules while also enhancing potency and selectivity. This breakthrough capability not only expedites the development process but also paves the way for creating medications targeting previously inaccessible domains.
With significant funding backing its endeavours, Genesis Therapeutics is poised to transition into clinical testing. Moreover, the company aims to broaden the scope of its platform, extending its reach to encompass a wider array of therapeutic targets.
Company Specialist at Welcome to the Jungle
Aug 2023
Dec 2020
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Evan Feinberg
(CEO & Co-Founder)PhD Graduate from Stanford, where they were an Algorithm Developer, collaborating with the Office of Technology Licensing to develop BraneRank (which uses graph substructures to rank search results). Was then a Deep Learning Consultant for Merck for 11 months.
Ben Sklaroff
(CTO & Co-Founder)Graduated from UC Berkeley with a degree in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. Worked at Markforged for 3 years, ultimately as Director of Software Engineering.