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To help every developer—regardless of experience level—learn, code, and ship software effectively.
18% employee growth in 12 months
GitHub was founded to make a developer’s job easier with open and asynchronous communication, distributed version control, and source code management with Git. In the first year alone, 100,000 users were pushing code on the site.
GitHub has quickly become the world’s most popular platform for developers to collaborate on open-source projects from anywhere. Nearly every major company including Facebook, Google, and Apple hosts open-source projects on GitHub.
Github's work culture reflects its global community, with employees collaborating remotely from all over the world. In 2018, Microsoft acquired the company as part of its broader strategy to enhance cloud computing services. Since then, GitHub has been dedicated to evolving its platform, consistently investing in ongoing development to better serve its users.
Company Specialist at Welcome to the Jungle
Jul 2015
Jul 2012
This company has top investors
Thomas Dohmke
(CEO)Currently a Board Member at Spice AI. Previously a Principal Director of PM at Microsoft, Co-Founder at HockeyApp / Bit Stadium GmbH and Codenauts GmbH.
Software Engineering