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To provide sustainable living for everyone.
To support a growing population, new housing is a necessity, but constructing this housing has traditionally been expensive, time consuming and has come with a high carbon cost. To tackle these issues, Gropyus presents a scalable and sustainable alternative to traditional construction, with its novel process for producing multi-story wooden apartment buildings.
Uniquely, the company treats its buildings as service-oriented products that can be tweaked and fully customised. This enables it to utilise automated manufacturing and processes that would typically be off-the-table for such projects, reducing cost and time taken in order to maximise ROI for its partners.
Also, its buildings are built to be sustainable by design, making them an attractive option in a sector that has been slow to decarbonise. All this makes Gropyus a company to keep an eye on, as it invests a hefty loan from the European Investment Bank into further product development.
Company Specialist at Welcome to the Jungle
Oct 2024
Jan 2023
Markus Fuhrmann
(Co-founder & CEO)Co-founder at One Ukraine, BAYES Holding // Dojo Madness, Delivery Hero Holding and Lieferheld.de. Member Of The Supervisory Board of thyssenkrupp nucera, and Co-founder and Entrepreneurial Partner at Cavalry Ventures
Florian Fritsch
(Co-founder)Founder and early Investor in several companies in real estate, renewable energy and tech ventures - including Delivery Hero, relayr and Tesla Motors. Founder and Chairman of FRITSCH & Co., and Chairman at Kalrock.