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To support thousands of patients on the journey to better health.
66% female employees
Obesity is a global problem, and trillions are spent every year treating the outcomes of obesity. Weight loss is largely considered an aesthetic goal, weight loss treatments are systemically underfunded, and the health costs associated with obesity – including type 2 diabetes – are often ignored. Habitual wants to tackle obesity by treating the cause and help people lost weight.
The company harnesses innovations in digital therapeutics combined with rigorously validated weight loss tactics to deliver scalable, personalised, and effective treatment for obesity-related health conditions. Habitual's programme combines total diet replacement, digital habit change and virtual social support, and each member of the program is placed in a curated social support group based on careful analysis of each member’s personality, goals, and habit-building style.
Funding has been used to propel user growth, expand team size, and undertake clinical research trials which have helped Habitual go to market. Further, as the cost of diabetes-related healthcare has been by some estimates predicted to surpass $1 trillion a year by 2025, securing even a small portion of this market could result in future success.
Company Specialist at Welcome to the Jungle
Oct 2021
Dec 2020
This company has top investors
Napala Pratini
(Founder and CEO)Previously Managing Editor at the Journal of Pediatric Rehabilitation Medicine. Worked in marketing and strategy at various startups. Completed an MBA at University of Oxford.
Career progression (1)
Nice people (1)
Focus on employee wellbeing (1)
Everyone is so nice and welcoming at Habitual! If you need help, or just want to know what someone is working on, they're always willing to chat. We also have regular socials and getting a coffee with each member of the team is a great part of the onboarding process.
Operations & Strategy
Nice people
Jul 2023
Beyond how great the people are, one of the best perks is that we get one hour of "happy time" each day, in addition to lunch. It's great to be able to have this time in the day to do something for yourself. We also have hybrid style working with semi-flexible hours. So if you want to sleep in a little one day, you can!
Operations & Strategy
Focus on employee wellbeing
Jul 2023
Progression is also a big focus at Habitual. Whatever you want to learn, you've got the support. Even if you want to transition to something completely different. Overall, it's a great and fulfilling place to work at!
Operations & Strategy
Career progression
Jul 2023
Operations & Strategy