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To power the world’s data products.
Harbr's platform enables companies to securely share data both internally and externally, across all data stakeholders – employees, customers, partners and suppliers. The platform also allows businesses to convert any digital content into ready-to-use, monetizable products that are easily accessed through a custom-branded data exchange.
Typically, big data businesses lack the agility to package data in ways that make sense for each customer, a problem Harbr seeks to solve. Instead of just sending raw data, the company's customers are able to leverage it to sell services, models, or insights – which are far more useful to end users and customers.
Since its launch, Harbr has opened offices in the US and heavily invested in R&D, while aiming to work with its customers to reinvent the data commerce experience for the modern data consumer. In a recent development, the company announced the launch of Harbr 5.0 which represents its expansion into the data sharing market.
Company Specialist at Welcome to the Jungle
Nov 2020
May 2020
This company has top investors
Gary Butler
(Co-Founder)Former CEO of the company. Has co-founded multiple other companies, most recently E9Data.
Anthony Cosgrove MBE
(Co-Founder)Previously Strategic Intelligence Analyst for the Ministry of Defence. Subsequently held various roles at HSBC including Global Head of Intelligence Technology.
Joined as Data Engineer, being promoted to Data Scientist after 3 months, to Customer Success (Technical) after 6 months and to Global Head of Support after 2 years.
Intelligent people (3)
Opportunities to learn (2)
Hard working team (2)
Team energy (2)
Innovative product (2)
Growing fast (2)
Autonomy (1)
Meaningful work (1)
Open and honest communication (1)
Great work is recognised (1)
When I joined Harbr, the Head of Marketing was a great mentor to me. We continue to work together throughout different projects and I am continuing to grow and learn every day. There is an excellent balance between structure and individual creativity.
Opportunities to learn
Jan 2021
Working with such a talented, hard-working team is fantastic. It is even better when the product itself is just as innovative and there's a need in the market for it.
Innovative product
Jan 2021
Harbr is growing incredibly fast and it has been great to be on this ride. It is important to be adaptable because growth and change are good. The passion and momentum at Harbr is contagious and I look forward to seeing what the future has in store.
Growing fast
Jan 2021
One of the greatest things about working at Harbr is the room for autonomy. With so much on the go, you're really given the chance to own initiatives from start to finish. This allows you to take great pride in your work and feel like your contribution is making meaningful difference in the product.
Nov 2020
One of the inspiring things at Harbr is the presence of truly intelligent people. The combination of experience and skills across the team is deep and wide at Harbr. Perhaps the most impressive thing about the intelligent people at Harbr is that they're willing and open not only to give input and lead but to listen and collaborate too.
Intelligent people
Nov 2020
Thanks to the large degree of autonomy, this one is self-fulfilling. With a common product mission and the opportunity to own a chunk of that, the work ethic at Harbr naturally inspires a hard working team. This is further fuelled by the immediate tangible feedback that is produced as a result of the hard work put in. Important to note in relation to working hard, with an intense focus on doing what is most important, there is very little wasted effort at Harbr.
Hard working team
Nov 2020
I've learnt so much in the past few months of working at Harbr simply due to the fact that I'm working with intelligent and inspiring colleagues who are experts in their field. The industry we work in is developing as we operate and thanks to the smart people around me I truly believe we are playing a big part in shaping that industry.
Operations & Strategy
Intelligent people
Nov 2020
Even though I've been fully remote since I joined Harbr, the team energy radiates through Zoom meetings and Slack chats. Everyone is driven to improve the product and provide customer value which makes it extremely exciting to work on. There is no doubt that some days can be long, but we certainly bounce off each other in search of that constant drive for improvement.
Operations & Strategy
Team energy
Nov 2020
As our team has continued to grow, having open communication across teams has become increasingly more important. Transparency is an important part of working at Harbr and the leadership teams ensure that any key decisions are shared and do not sit behind closed doors - this definitely makes it an interesting place to work at!
Operations & Strategy
Open and honest communication
Nov 2020
People at Harbr are that perfect blend of high intellect and low ego. That allows you to engage with anyone in the company you need or want to learn from.
Intelligent people
Nov 2020
Harbr is a game changing product for enterprises using data. The market has definitely caught up with the product and it's great to see customers so excited about the change to their business.
Innovative product
Nov 2020
Harbr is a rocket ship. People are joining all the time and adding huge value. It's not smooth sailing but the buzz is so adrenaline inducing you'll enjoy starting your day!
Growing fast
Nov 2020
I came into Harbr as a junior with little experience in the role. People across the company were very generous with their time explaining their roles and what was required. I've been given opportunities not only to work in my own area, but also assist different departments.
Software Engineering
Opportunities to learn
Nov 2020
I've never experienced in any previous job the type of work ethic that is displayed here. People are passionate about the company, the product and the team, so they work as hard as they can for the company and each other.
Software Engineering
Hard working team
Nov 2020
The great thing about working for Harbr is that we have a product that can really make a difference in how companies can maximise the potential of their data.
Software Engineering
Meaningful work
Nov 2020
Harbr has an amazing family feel to the company, stemming from leadership all the way through. Getting together as a whole company weekly to hear of the recent updates, wins and successes is completely energising. You can feel everyone's hard work coming together to achieve the company's mission which is awesome!
Operations & Strategy
Team energy
Nov 2020
The Harbr team wants to recognise one another's victories and successes. Great work will be recognised to the wider company at our weekly company meeting, or in team meetings, which makes you feel very valued.. It's great!
Operations & Strategy
Great work is recognised
Nov 2020
The company mission is absolutely the driving force to Harbr. It is inspiring to see and hear how much Harbr enables and accelerates our customers, and so many companies, to extract true value from their data.
Operations & Strategy
Inspiring mission
Nov 2020