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To give people the tools they need to hire right the first time, for every home improvement project.
13% employee growth in 12 months
HomeStars is Canada’s largest online marketplace for home professionals, connecting owners with sole traders and companies in their area. The company has been around since 2006, steadily growing into a household name in Canada.
HomeStars has been smart in avoiding stretching itself too thin, by focusing on just one country and developing a solid and trusted reputation with both consumers and contracting companies, who are often undercut by this kind of marketplace model across many industries.
HomeStars now aims to capitalise on a surging home improvement trend in Canada, where loan applications for renovations, particularly from the millennial generation, are soaring.
Company Specialist at Welcome to the Jungle
Jan 2011
Aug 2009
Total funding
Shir Magen
(CEO, not founder)Was previously the Director of Offering & Product Marketing for Matonomy Media Group, a Senior Director of Sales and Marketing at Wave and and Advisory Board Member for MyRemoteClinic. Magen joined HomeStars as VP of Marketing, and moved to SVP of Product and Marketing before taking on the role as CEO.