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To develop the market-leading investment reporting platform for the global fund management industry.
Investment reporting software is rarely one-size-fits-all, and London-based Huguenots has developed specialised software that can be leveraged by small and large asset companies alike. With its suite of products, Huguenots delivers scaleable fact sheet automation, client reporting and web solutions that can help everyone from boutique to global asset management companies.
The tailored services of Huguenots focus on customisation and versatility, meaning that its client base is diverse and eclectic, a great sign for future growth. The company is at a pivotal stage of growth and at present is focused on growing its team of data, digital and design specialists as well as widening its customer base to match its boutique service.
Company Specialist at Welcome to the Jungle
Hugo Huggett
(Founder & Managing Director)Founded Huguenot Services Ltd in 2005.
Software Engineering
Other Engineering