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To build a circular economy for plastics by sustainably and economically diverting plastic waste from landfill and incineration.
The widespread use of plastic in today's world has serious implications for globally pressing issues surrounding sustainability and environmental impact. The demand for plastic manufacturing will continue to grow in coming years, yet current recycling and disposal methods are non-optimised for efficiency and this is detrimental to the environment.
Through the use of proprietary technology, Itero offers an alternative to existing plastic recycling via a chemical recycling process. This aims to transform the plastic industry into a cyclical system that does not end with disposal. The company works on this by converting existing plastics into highly valuable and high quality petrochemical resources that are in demand for the manufacture of virgin quality plastic as well as other manufacturing processes.
Already operating a R&D facility in the UK, in 2021 Itero announced the development of a new plant based in the Netherlands. The company believes this will pave the way for operations on a much greater scale.
Company Specialist at Welcome to the Jungle
Simon Hansford
(CEO)Previously was an Associate Director at NatWest and a Managing Director at Swiss Re.