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To help people live their healthiest lives, giving them the tools to take full control of their health.
3% employee growth in 12 months
Almost one in ten Americans have Type 2 Diabetes, yet the existing management strategies for dietary intake are flawed. Patients are generally told not to eat a uniform set of foods, regardless of the fact that every person’s nutritional requirements are different.
January provides an AI-driven personalized diabetes advisor in the form of a mobile app. The subscription-based service suggests nutrition and activity recommendations based on each user's nutritional profile. Ultimately, January’s aim is to provide a customized tool for people to manage their blood sugar levels.
The startup’s approach to diabetes management is particularly impressive as its focus on personalization has the potential to save lives. Not only does the AI tackle the dangers in the uniformity of existing diabetes health information, but by considering each person and their body, the app could provide essential information to users that they may not receive otherwise.
Company Specialist at Welcome to the Jungle
Aug 2022
Feb 2021
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Noosheen Hashemi
(Founder & CEO)Having studied at Stanford, Noosheen worked for Oracle for a decade as VP, and served on the Board of Watermark for 17 years. After various Advisory and Investment positions, they founded January in March 2017, serving since as CEO.