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To leverage data, technology and creativity to expand your customer database and help your business to grow.
22% employee growth in 12 months
Leads.io is a lead-generation solution that is one of many specialists in this field in Europe. What sets it apart though, is its focus on the technology behind the operations, leveraging tech innovations such as AI and machine learning to expand a client’s customer base.
Previously known as Social Blue, Leads.io finally unified the former alongside three other companies it had acquired under its current moniker. Social Blue has been working in lead generation for more than a decade, and its unification with AWM Network, Boiler Guide Ltd., and Klik Proces signifies a major expansion and coalescing of its many divisions. This will no doubt strengthen its operations as it grows its client list.
Moving forwards, Leads.io will focus on horizontal and vertical growth, all whilst capitalising on the resources its new partners bring to its operations.
Company Specialist at Welcome to the Jungle
Tim Roemer
(CEO)Previously CEO & Owner of Social Blue, Scoot Media, Media Minded and Manager at De Heus Multi Response Media.