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To provide the most comprehensive and flexible solutions for the working capital finance industry.
10% employee growth in 12 months
The business financing landscape of today is becoming increasingly fast-paced, and reacting quickly to the speed of the market can be challenging. In addition to competing with businesses for onboarding, businesses must manage invoicing, open accounting platforms, client portals, and document organisation. This can quickly lead to business financing stunting the business growth it should be enhancing.
Lendscape provides a business financing platform, featuring a range of applications for onboarding, open accounting, client portals, and document management. The company augments such services with a unique approach to customer service, offering testing scenarios, consultancy, hosted managed services, and a query help desk.
Whilst there are many other business financing platforms for companies to choose from, most platforms focus solely on onboarding, whereas Lendscape recognises that end-to-end support greatly helps improve financing workflow efficiency. Through this unified approach to business financing management, the company claims it can help businesses future-proof themselves for fast-paced financing, helping to enhance funding efficiency for a variety of industries such as invoicing and factoring, supply chain, and asset financing.
Company Specialist at Welcome to the Jungle
Kevin Day
(CEO)Products Director for Lendscape from 1999 to 2009, Chief Operations Director from 2009 to 2016, and CEO since 2016.
Software Engineering
People, HR, Recruitment
Sales & Account Management