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To connect healthcare providers, payors, governments, technology companies, researchers, and patients with the medical data they need to provide a health system that is truly built around the patient.
-4% employee growth in 12 months
Accessing medical data is imperative for all parties within a healthcare system to provide the best care to patients, but due to the complexity of such systems, this is not always possible. Data is often stored as paperwork and therefore inaccessible on digital databases, and communication tools between medical experts may not be sufficient.
Lifen creates digital solutions for the healthcare industry, hosting health data and providing communication tools for the simple exchange of said data between healthcare professionals. By securely analysing and storing over 2 million medical documents per month and connecting them with over 240,000 professionals in France, the company is able to innovate upon the care that French patients receive.
Whilst Lifen is not the first health data exchange platform in France, it stands out by not only securely hosting medical data for universal professional access, but by also providing communication tools for said professionals to optimise how the data is exchanged. The company has also expanded its services to provide medical document storage and consultation features for patients in France.
Company Specialist at Welcome to the Jungle
Nov 2021
Jun 2019
Franck Le Ouay
(Co-Founder & CEO)Experience as Co-founder, Chief Scientist and Adviser for Criteo from 2004 to 2015. Co-founded Lifen in 2015 as CEO.
Alexandre Huckert
(Co-Founder)Experience as Head of Product for Ifeelgoods, Inc. from 2013 to 2015. Co-founded Lifen as CPO in 2015.
Etienne Depaulis
(Co-Founder)Experience as Co-founder and Developer of La Dernière Goutte from 2007 to 2015. Co-founded Lifen as Lead Software Engineer and Architect in 2015.