Medly AI

Personalised AI tutoring for every student

Medly AI logo
1-20 employees
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Education
  • Tutoring
London, UK

Company mission

Medly's mission is to democratise education, by providing a personalised AI tutor for every student.

Our take

Medly AI offers a platform that serves as a personal tutor, examiner, and classroom assistant. This platform adapts to each student's unique learning style, providing tailored support aligned with syllabi from major exam boards like AQA, Edexcel, CIE, and IB, covering GSCE, A Level and IB Sciences.

Medly AI aims to level the global academic playing field by offering free access and tools like instant marking and feedback. This empowers students to learn effectively and independently, enhancing their academic performance through interactive discussions and real-world exam practice.

The platform has quickly gained acclaim from students and educators, with thousands benefiting from its solutions. It bridges traditional classroom methods with modern technology, transforming exam preparation.

Kirsty headshot


Company Specialist at Welcome to the Jungle


Paul Jung


I am the technical co-founder, bringing expertise in machine learning, cognitive neuroscience (PhD, UCL), and full-stack development to Medly.

Kavi Samra


I am an educator and doctor, I contribute pedagogical knowledge, lead content development, operations and sales. One of my key roles is to evaluate Medly AI's teaching effectiveness and safety.