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To digitise the entire built environment leading to safer, healthier and more productive places to work.
Digital transformation is mainly addressed at a business's commercial activities, but it impacts the physical space they occupy too. As a result, stakeholders are demanding healthier, safer, and more productive buildings than can be delivered by traditional (and sometimes archaic) building management systems. Metrikus was founded to deliver real-time data on building metrics to extract operational efficiencies and costs savings.
It has developed a software platform that gathers information from building systems and other sensors to help customers gain insight on different aspects of their built estate, including their building's environment, critical asset maintenance, usage and health. The challenge for Metrikus, and competitors like Goby, Endur and Metasys, will be in delivering these benefits in a single, effective solution across different types of commercial estate, whether office, retail, industrial or logistic.
Funding has helped Metrikus pursue its mission to digitise the entire built environment in new markets like the US, southern Europe, India, Korea and Japan, in addition to strengthening its presence within its existing core geographies. Initiatives such as the Dark January pledge underscore the company's relevance, particularly in a time of spiralling energy costs and concerns about carbon emissions, and help extend its marketing reach.
Company Specialist at Welcome to the Jungle
Nov 2020
Gary Cottle
(CEO)Previously Director at N P Record and Chase, and Managing Director at Barclays, Morgan Stanley, Royal Bank of Scotland and Nomura.
Michael Grant
(COO)Previously Group Managing Director at UCi2i, COO at Vantage Team, Empowered SMS Limited and Asset Mapping, and Co-Founder at AirRated.