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On a mission to make people's hearing health the main focus of their listening experience.
Mimi Sound Technologies have developed an innovative processing platform that helps personalise the audio experiences of people with different listening needs. It generates a unique hearing profile for users, and adjusts audio output accordingly - also providing a free hearing test app. Mimi have partnered with leading audio companies like Skullcandy, Beyerdynamic, and Compaq to ensure that this carousel of new features and functionalities get out to the people who need them most.
With increasing pressure placed on companies and brands to ensure their products and services are accessible, the ease with which Mimi’s products integrate with consumer electronics will pay dividends going forwards. The assistive hearables market is growing modestly, too, as more customers turn to the products in lieu of medical-grade hearing aids.
Moreover, Mimi are operating in a period where the German medtech scene is the largest and healthiest in Europe. So they’re benefitting from generous investment and market confidence, all of which helps fuel the rapid innovation that puts distance between Mimi and any would-be competitors - not that there are any obvious ones on the horizon.
Company Specialist at Welcome to the Jungle
Dec 2021
Nick Clark
(Co-founder)Previously a Senior Research Officer at University of Sussex, before freelancing as an engineering consultant.
Philipp Skribanowitz
(Co-founder & CEO)Previously a Researcher with the Institute of Information Management, and worked also as a Venture Partner at Atlantic Labs.