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To elevate the world's sexual wellbeing
55% female employees
Half of millennial and Gen Z men struggle with psychosexual issues. Mojo exists to sexually enlighten mankind and lead a revolution that normalizes sexual issues and connects men to champion what sex and relationships are really like. The company are doing this with a medication-free approach.
Mojo's app is built on a foundation of science, data, and clinically-proven approaches from psychosexual therapy. They set themselves apart by being created by world-class sexperts, and the audiovisual content marks the next generation of sex education.
When founded, there had been little clear and useful guidance available to men, meaning that Mojo filled a real and important gap in the market. As a result, they have attracted 100,000 users in 115 countries across the world. They are also backed by two of London’s top VC firms and have raised the biggest sex & health tech seed in Europe.
Company Specialist at Welcome to the Jungle
Jul 2021
Feb 2021
This company has top investors
Angus Barge
(CEO)A graduate of Newcastle University, Angus spent 6 years working as a Sales and Purchase Broker before co-founding Mojo Men in 2019.
Xander Gilbert
(CGO & COO)Previously Co-founder of successful insurtech startup, Cuvva. Prior to that worked in various roles in investment banking.
Open and honest communication (3)
Meaningful work (2)
My opinions are valued (2)
Challenging work (1)
Opportunities to learn (1)
Autonomy (1)
Nice people (1)
Supportive management (1)
Diversity is a priority (1)
Flexible working (1)
All leadership meeting notes are published internally, and can be read by anyone in the company, showing that the leadership team values transparency. Additionally, everyone in the company contributes to OKR setting, and individuals are encouraged to speak up if we could do something better. Overall, mistakes are considered learning opportunities - not something to be punished!
Open and honest communication
Sep 2022
Although we're a small company at a very early stage, inclusion and diversity is already being considered at Mojo. It's not perfect, and everyone acknowledges we have a long way to go, but we've already taken steps to improve recruitment processes, and make both diversity and inclusion a priority
Diversity is a priority
Sep 2022
We're growing fast, which means we sometimes have big workloads, but management is always very supportive, and actively looks for ways to help you. Everyone genuinely cares about each other as people, and managers go out of their way to make sure you're happy and enjoying work
Supportive management
Sep 2022
Leadership trusts us as the experts in our field, so we get autonomy to define our work/roles, develop our skills, and add value in the way we see fit. Every one of our opinions is highly valued, and there is a culture of open discussion and debate.
Operations & Strategy
Sep 2022
I work at Mojo because I want to be a part of revolutionizing the way we approach sexual wellbeing. I’m so proud to see how much mental health has been destigmatized in my own lifetime, and I want to see the same happen for sexual wellbeing. It’s so inspiring to hear directly from our members how life-changing our product is. And we hear this ALL THE TIME
Operations & Strategy
Meaningful work
Sep 2022
The people are wonderful. It's a fun and inclusive team culture, and we have all made genuine friends at work. The people are not only nice, but also brilliant - world class team!
Operations & Strategy
Nice people
Sep 2022
Our work looks to address a real and underserved issue. One that not many people are usually comfortable talking about. It feels like a very unique problem space to be in, and is full of lots of challenges I wouldn't normally get elsewhere.
Software Engineering
Meaningful work
Sep 2022
Mojo is likely the most open company I've ever worked for. Everyone is super nice and forthcoming, and pretty much everything about the company is shared and discussed among every member of the team on a regular basis
Software Engineering
Open and honest communication
Sep 2022
Pretty much everything (and everyone) is open to feedback and new ideas: features, strategy, quarterly goals, what is/isn't working, product direction and even what design shall we put on a t-shirt Hopefully you enjoy writing on post it notes :)
Software Engineering
My opinions are valued
Sep 2022
All communication at Mojo is open by default. Leadership meeting agendas and notes are available for anyone to read and private Slack channels aren't really a thing here. One thing that really stands out, is that even the company financials are there for anyone to look through.
Open and honest communication
Sep 2022
We operate in a space that's littered with challenges, which requires us to be really creative in our solutions. Something you'll hear quite often at Mojo is, "That's a great idea! Now let's think of 2 or 3 other ways we could get to the same outcome." The best thing though, is that we tackle it as a team.
Challenging work
Sep 2022
When I think about the world I want my children to grow up in, I picture them to have the awareness, resources and support to develop their sexual identities in a healthy way. I believe Mojo can play a big role in creating that future and I'm excited to be part of the journey.
Inspiring mission
Sep 2022
Since joining Mojo I have had the chance to learn, challenge myself and engage in meaningful work. My opinions are valued and my team is hugely supportive not just of me but of each other. It's a great environment to be a part of and one where I can see myself continuing to excel.
Opportunities to learn
Nov 2021
Mojo offers me the flexibility to work from home and the office. It's great to be able to do this as it has allowed me to move to house and spend time at home in Scotland.
Flexible working
Nov 2021
We have regular company updates and face-to-face meetings with the management team. It's a very transparent team with a lot of honest communication.
My opinions are valued
Nov 2021