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To empower visionary engineers to use AI to cut their product development cycle in half.
Aerospace engineering is costly for one major reason: prototyping. Firms incur massive fees while manufacturing endless prototypes for environmental strength testing and redesign. Monolith's product identifies inefficiencies early in the theoretical phase to massively reduce the practical development pipeline - an easy sell to the aerospace industry.
Monolith differs to other companies in how they leverage their early customer engagements by utilising the data generated during the engineering design processes. The exploitation of this valuable asset enables a powerful business model: every new client delivers new data that enhances the product. This fuels exponential growth.
Monolith is filling the niche between engineering design and data science with expertise from both camps that allows them to develop a fully proprietary technology. Recent funding will help facilitate this, as well as propelling advances in their platform development.
Company Specialist at Welcome to the Jungle
Aug 2021
Aug 2020
This company has top investors
Dr. Richard Ahlfeld
(CEO)PhD from Imperial. Experience at NASA and Airbus. Previously interim CTO at Modularity, a virtual power plant. Also Enterprise Fellow at Royal Academy of Engineering.
Promoted from Systems Developer to Senior AI Developer in 10 months, becoming Principal Engineer in Feb 2020.