
Checkout technology boosting sales with customisable premium services

1-20 employees
  • B2B
  • Enterprise
  • Payments
  • Financial Services
  • SaaS
  • Mobile
London, UK

Company mission

Moona's mission is to build the new gold standard for online payment and simplify shoppers' online experience by offering high value-added services through a “super checkout”.

Our take

Moona is an online payment solution that offers unlimited £5 discounts to shoppers on each payment with a partner merchant. The easy-to-use payment methods also features 1-click payment, free returns and shipping, security guarantees and instalment payments.

Moona’s business model is based on a yearly membership paid by shoppers allowing them to benefits from the advantages of the payment method. They are currently focused on the UK, but are looking to expand to the US, Canada, and Australia. The success of their product compared to other online payment offerings will depend on them recruiting enough merchants to their platform, which for them comes at no cost as Moona funds the discounts.

With significant changes to consumer habits during recent years, Moona is reflective of a wider shift towards making the checkout the centre of the online shopping experience.

Kirsty headshot


Company Specialist at Welcome to the Jungle


  • Events and conference trips
  • Team building trips
  • 25 days holiday (excl. bank holidays)
  • Work from home opportunities
  • Participation to transportation: £70 per month

Company values

  • Ambition | To generate hyper-growth, we’re constantly pushing our limits and going beyond our comfort zone. That’s where magic happens.
  • Simplicity | We strive to make online shopping simpler for everyone. But we also know that crafting simple products is far from a simple task.
  • Focus | We’re constantly moving forward, tackling one thing after the other, but are obsessed with doing each of those things really well.


20 years experience in technologies and mobile development, founder of several tech start-ups