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To enable employees to reduce the mental load associated with expenses and to spend time on tasks with more added value for themselves and their organisation.
-9% employee growth in 12 months
Founded in France, Mooncard is providing expense solutions for businesses through the use of its smart corporate card, which employees are able to use to make business expenses both online and in-store. Designed to simplify expense management for businesses of all sizes and reduce the risk of possible fraud or errors in expense reports, Mooncard is currently the only company to fully automate the processing of expenses and expense accounts.
The startup has partnered with Flying Blue to offer Air France miles to its customers, becoming the first payment card in France to offer this service that isn't American Express. While corporate cards are yet to get off the ground in France, the arrival of Mooncard could see many companies adopting the new expense solution.
Since its inception in 2016, Mooncard has expanded its services to other European countries and now runs several offices around the continent. With customers in a variety of industries, Mooncard is focused on growing this customer base, business reach and increasing its presence in Europe, all while improving its customer offering to meet the ever-evolving demands of the fintech industry.
Company Specialist at Welcome to the Jungle
May 2023
Jun 2021
This company has top investors
Tristan Leteurtre
(Co-Founder)Began as a Project Leader and Developer at VLC Media Player. Has since founded Anevia, a leader in telecom software infrastructure and Mooncard.
Damien Metzger
(CTO & Co-Founder)Previously worked at the eCommerce platform PrestaShop, initially as a Full Stack/LAMP Developer before moving up the ranks to become the CTO and finally the Chief Data Officer.