Motorsport Games

Racing game developer

Motorsport Games logo
21-100 employees
  • B2C
  • Gaming
  • eSports
  • SaaS
Miami, FL

Company mission

To drive forward-thinking, more engaging and exciting experiences for racing gamers, competitors and viewers across the world.

-34% employee growth in 12 months

Our take

Coined an eSports ecosystem, Motorsport Games is an industry-leading racing game developer. With a team in Florida, Moscow and London, Motorsport Games boasts a global presence and customer base.

Motorgames took the NASCAR Heat game franchise and made it one of the highest-played games in the world, which became the catalyst for the company’s other eSport initiatives’ exponential growth. Today, Motorsports develops and publishes popular games based on NASCAR, Le Mans, and British Touring Car properties.

In 2022, the company strengthened its business and capital structure in order to ensure future growth, including an organizational restructuring program that hopes to cut costs by $4 million by the end of 2023. This was intended to build stronger global business operations and enhance its operating margins. With post-IPO equity of nearly $4 million achieved in 2023, Motorsport Games plans to use the proceeds to fund more games.

Steph headshot


Company Specialist at Welcome to the Jungle


  • Corporate benefits
  • The opportunity to define the future of racing from within an exciting
  • Growing and friendly international games company


Dmitry Kozko

(CEO, not founder)

Previously served as President for IC Realtime, COO for Motorsport Network, CEO for Ultracast, President for Net Element, and CEO for Openfilm.