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To be the gold standard technology for the manufacturing of individualized drugs.
Supplements are marketed as a 'one size fits all' nutritional solution, despite everyone's body being different. Pills and powders do not take into consideration a user's weight, height, gender, or nutritional needs and generally provide a solution for one specific health point.
Multiply Labs creates 3D-printable supplementary pills that are personalized to individual nutritional requirements. As opposed to providing many pills for different purposes, the company creates singular bespoke pills that cover many different nutritional areas.
Whilst individualized drugs already exist on the market, mass manufacturing of them is currently not possible. Multiply Labs uses cloud-controlled robotic assembly lines to produce drugs on a bespoke basis at an industrial scale.
Company Specialist at Welcome to the Jungle
Apr 2021
May 2017
This company has top investors
Fred Parietti
(CEO)A specialist in the control and design of advanced robotic systems. In their PhD, they developed wearable systems that augment human wearers with additional robotic limbs.
Alice Melocchi
(CSO)A background in Pharmaceutical Technology. Their PhD focused on the formulation and production of dosage forms by injection molding.