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Nanit’s mission is to support the journey of parenting.
42% employee growth in 12 months
Baby monitors are an essential part of any new parent's life, but traditional monitors can be unreliable and outdated. Nanit solves this problem with its state-of-the-art nursery cameras and baby monitors.
Nanit's technology sets it apart from other infant care industry leaders as it uses a combination of computer vision and specially designed infant clothing to monitor babies' breathing and sleep patterns, with the data being accessible via an easy-to-use app. This has proven to have broad market appeal, to date the company has tracked over 3.5 billion hours of sleep, 435 million parental visits, and over 334 million morning wakeups. As a result, the company has secured considerable funding.
Nanit is currently working to expand its range to encompass all aspects of nursery care, including nightlights and changing pads. This will enable the company to maximize its revenue streams and continue to compete within the growing baby tech market.
Company Specialist at Welcome to the Jungle
Feb 2021
May 2020
This company has top investors
Sarah Dorsett
(CEO, not founder)Previously worked as VP of Marketing at Century 21, and was VP of eCommerce at Bed Bath & Beyond.
Tor Ivry
(CTO)Previously worked as SW Group Manager at Philips, and was a Software Engineer at Conduit.