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Nicolab's mission is to connect human and artificial intelligence to revolutionize emergency care.
Diagnosing a stroke is a difficult process, and the high-risk nature of the scenario means it is important to make decisions as quickly and accurately as possible. AI can be used to rapidly identify patterns that humans otherwise could not, but having additional perspectives and analysis from humans provides the combined benefits of both.
Nicolab leverages AI and collaborative stroke network communication to provide StrokeViewer, a DICOM viewer that increases the speed and accuracy with that physicians can diagnose strokes. The technology achieves this by allowing the physicians to analyze vital patient information through AI and discuss collaborative stroke diagnoses with other professionals across regional stroke networks.
Whilst other Meditech companies leverage AI to increase the speed that strokes can be diagnosed, Nicolab has taken a unique approach by adding an aspect of collaborative human communication. By combining this communication with the augmentations that AI provides, the company aims to revolutionize how strokes are diagnosed, with plans to apply the human-AI collaboration to other medical conditions in the future.
Company Specialist at Welcome to the Jungle
Jun 2024
Dec 2023
Merel Boers
(CEO)Completed Ph.D. in Image Analysis in Acute Ischemic Stroke at the University of Twente in 2018. Co-founded Nicolab in 2015 as CEO.
Renan Sales Barros
(CTO)Completed Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering at the University of Amsterdam in 2021. Co-founded Nico.lab in 2015 as CTO.
Henk Marquering
(CSO)Completed Ph.D. in Geophysics at Utrecht University in 1995. Experience as Image Processing Scientist at Leiden University Medical Center from 2002 to 2008. Co-founded Nico.lab as CSO in 2015.