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To make working professionals around the world far more productive in their day to day jobs.
Professionals, regardless of role, are drowning in administrative tasks. This is especially true of managers who may spend up to half their working weeks on administration before touching their core functions. While executive assistants exist to solve this problem, they are extremely expensive and usually only available to top-level directors.
NinjaTech believes that AI and large language models have evolved to the point where it should be possible to use them as a kind of virtual assistant, able to automate and greatly simplify most administrative tasks. Its core tool, TaskGPT is a conversational tool which can schedule meetings, handle routine task and generate content.
The market for AI productivity solutions is extremely crowded and while there is a lot of investor interest in the sector it takes a lot to stand out. NinjaTech, with its founders collective Meta and Google experience, has achieved this, quickly snagging a significant amount of funding in a 2023 seed round. It intends to invest this in further developing its product and rounding out its founding team. Going forward, it intends to open up its Beta program. It will be exciting to see what is on the other side of the waitlist in the months ahead.
Company Specialist at Welcome to the Jungle
May 2023
Babak Pahlavan
(CEO)Was previously Senior Director of Product Manager at Google. Before that was CEO and co-founder of Clever Sense which was acquired by Google.
Sam Naghshineh
(CTO)Was previously AI System Co-designer at Meta. Before that, was CEO and co-founder of DecaSense and Technical Lead for Marvell Technology.