Nomad Cooks

Private chef hire

Nomad Cooks logo
1-20 employees
  • B2C
  • Hospitality
  • Food
Waterloo, London, UK

Company mission

To make it easier and more affordable to hire high-quality chefs for small events.

50% female employees

Our take

Nomad Cooks was born in 2020 after one of the founders became frustrated whilst working as a private chef by low pay, lack of autonomy and a growing concern that customers weren’t getting the experience they deserved. Nomad Cooks was started with the goal of making it easy for people to book private chefs to come to their homes and cook restaurant-quality meals, while they entertain their guests.

Nomad Cooks doesn’t just serve customers, it also gives chefs more control over the dining experiences they deliver, and more of the money. Each chef gets paid 100% of the cost of the menu and Nomad Cooks also donate a school meal to a child in poverty for each guest they serve.

The company hopes to one day be the equivalent of AirBnb for private dinner party chefs – a platform where you can leave reviews and filter for chefs based on their prices and cuisine specialties. But more than that, just like AirBnb gave travellers a whole new option of holiday accommodation, Nomad Cooks might one day make at-home catering as natural a choice as going out to a restaurant for your evening meal.

Freddie headshot


Company Specialist at Welcome to the Jungle


  • All-access WeWork membership (free coffees, beers and a great community)
  • Option to travel and work as digital nomads (of course) together as a team for a week
  • £400 in credit booking a chef with us
  • Free food at the chef trials

Funding (1 round)

Dec 2021


Total funding: $0.3m


Jojo Kelly


Former private chef and a synthetic biology graduate from Durham University.

Ben Harries


Computer science and ecology graduate from Durham University.

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion at Nomad Cooks

  • We are an equal opportunity employer. We do not discriminate on the basis of disability, age, sexual orientation, gender, colour, national origin, religion, race or marital status



Challenging work (1)

Nice people (1)

Team energy (1)