Nude Finance

Savings app for first-time home buyers

Nude Finance logo
21-100 employees
  • Fintech
  • B2C
  • Personal finance
  • Financial Services
City of London, London, UK

Company mission

To stand up for and help people reach life’s most important milestones, starting with buying a home.

Our take

Nude’s aim is to help people save for their first home by offering savings and investment accounts, as well as coaching and tips. The app can be linked with a user’s own current account, from where it can suggest savings targets and easy spending tweaks.

The property landscape in the UK is difficult to negotiate, especially for first time buyers. The rising cost of living as well as rising deposits and interest fees are also causing considerable problems. This is where Nude comes in.

By offering help as well as a tangible means of saving money, Nude is able to offer real value to its users. Beyond this, the fact that Nude ensures customers get the government funded cash bonuses as they reach their targets could be a game changer.

Though it's still a young company, launched in 2019, Nude has managed to hit the ground running, and there's real growth potential. It’ll be interesting to see what further financial services are rolled out in the near future, especially given the company’s aim of being able to offer mortgage services to its customers one day.

Freddie headshot


Company Specialist at Welcome to the Jungle


  • Pension: A contribution from Nude of 10% of your salary towards your retirement, irrespective of what you contribute, on successful completion of the probationary period (3 months)
  • Shares: We want everyone who works at Nude to be part of our success, so we’re looking to establish an employee share option scheme. Our aim is to provide share options for you, plus the ability for you to buy more if you want
  • Holidays: 32 days including public holidays which are flexible (based on Scottish public holidays)
  • Flexible hours: We trust you to work the schedule that’s most productive for you and your teammates. (Standard 35 hours per week, such hours to be worked at times to suit you within our office hours which are between 8am and 6pm Monday to Friday)
  • Get comfy: Working from home it’s important that you are set up for success; we’ll make sure you have the gear to work comfortably and effectively
  • Always improving: We’ll provide you with £1,000 (gross) every year to spend however you like on personal development and learning
  • Developer Toolbox: We pay for licenses so all our Developers have access to a toolbox of best in class development tools
  • Your wellbeing: We provide a wellbeing budget of £400 every year to spend how you like
  • Big picture days: We’d like you to be part of one or two days a year when we take time out to think about social trends and how Nude should evolve as the world evolves around us

Funding (last 2 of 5 rounds)

Mar 2022



Aug 2020



Total funding: $13.8m

This company has top investors


Before founding Nude, spent 18 years as a senior owning partner at Hymans Robertson LLP, the largest independent pension consultants in the UK. Before this, worked as a Consulting Actuary for Mercer and Will Towers Watson.

He previously worked at Hymans Robertson LLP, where he was CTO of Risk Modelling. He later led teams within RBS and the Student Loans Company, as CPO and Head of DevOps respectively.