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To empower people to manage and grow their wealth through innovative technologies.
Almost half of Millennials refrain from investing their money. Why? Because they don’t know how or don’t think they have enough startup capital to even begin. Moreover, cryptocurrencies are considered an important part of a well-diversified investment portfolio with a long-term focus.
When Nuri, previously Bitwala, was launched in 2015, Bitcoin was something for the cyberpunks and anarchists who thought it was going to take over Visa, MasterCard, PayPal and central banks. Nuri enables customers to manage their day-to-day finances and easily build their wealth using products based on technologies such as blockchain. Customers may create a monthly savings plan for Bitcoin and/or Ether and select the day and amount according to their goals.
Fast forward a few years and Nuri now hundreds of millions of Euros in assets under its management, it’s operationally profitable and, in terms of the number of customers, it’s the third biggest neobank in Germany, behind fintech giants N26 and Revolut. Looking ahead, Nuri risks being heavily linked to certain cryptocurrencies should its investor-customers get cold feet and want to jump ship, as has been seen in the recent downturn of the crypto ecosystem.
Company Specialist at Welcome to the Jungle
Feb 2024
Jun 2021
Benjamin Jones
(Co-founder & Chairman)Self-taught programer with over 5 years of experience in blockchain and cryptocurrencies. A London School of Economics graduate, Ben was previously CTO & Co-founder of BitcoinsBerlin, a startup incubator and served as Nuri's CEO/CTO until 2021.
Jan Goslicki
(Co-founder & Managing Director)Studied economics and has over 5 years of crypto and blockchain experience under his belt. Before founding Bitwala he worked at PwC as a IT Consultant and also co-founded Bitcoins Berlin, a startup incubator.