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To make effective, fun and delicious products to address health needs that have been historically overlooked.
13% employee growth in 12 months
O Positiv, previously known as FLO Vitamins, is a healthcare company providing nutritional supplements tailored to women’s health. The company's original Flo Vitamins product focused on alleviating PMS symptoms, and in late 2021 the company expanded to cover other supplement areas like fibre and probiotics.
With the simultaneous rise of consumers' interest in eCommerce, supplements, and convenient home delivery, O Positiv’s product expansion came at a lucrative moment. Its strong social media presence and youth-oriented branding have helped it net a young, tech-savvy and health-conscious consumer demographic. O Positiv’s offering also caters to the increasing market appetite for vegan and organic products.
If the company can continue to sell to its young female audience, O Positiv may carve out an impressive niche for itself in a nationwide supplements market expected to approach a $120 billion valuation by 2027.
Company Specialist at Welcome to the Jungle
Bobby Bitton
(Co-Founder & CEO)Has been a lifelong entrepreneur with their first patent at age 12. Bobby led Marketing & Operations at Kepi, a startup creating innovative products for pregnancy and newborn care. Also formerly worked as Creative Director of Gentleman's Notebook.
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