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To be the go-to software provider for unstructured data classification for privacy and security use cases.
With cybersecurity threats rising and regulations tightening, keeping on top of data management and regulations is becoming an increasingly crucial task. It’s a difficult one, too, because not only is the volume of data ballooning, 90% of it is also unstructured, leaving room for costly errors and vulnerabilities.
Ohalo offers a suite of data governance tools to help enterprises tackle the issue of unstructured data. Its flagship product, Data Xray, leverages AI and the Ethereum protocol to classify and redact unstructured data more accurately, more efficiently, and more effectively than using human labour. This positions Ohalo as a firmly future-forward company: AI is broadly considered to be the best solution for managing the exponentially increasing amounts of business-critical data. And blockchain protocols are being championed for their unrivalled transparency.
Ohalo keep tight-lipped about its customers and operations, though, so it’s difficult to see where the company stands in the data-governance market. Other broader data governance software developers like OneTrust and Snowflake offer similar services, but Ohalo’s comparatively laser-tight focus may prove more appealing as the issue of unstructured data progresses.
Company Specialist at Welcome to the Jungle
Jun 2024
This company has top investors
Kyke DuPont
(CEO)Worked in transaction services for ERM, then as COO of MatrixVision. Then held a fellowship at the Anthemis Group.