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To help brands across multiple industries verify the origin and authenticity of their products and raw materials.
With sustainability and brand reputation becoming increasingly intertwined, supply chain tracking company Oritain has pitched itself well to its client base, leveraging forensic science techniques and data analysis to verify the source of materials and products. Environmental impact is a key concern too, and Oritain’s zero trust policy on the authenticity of packaging information spans across the food, fibre, and pharmaceutical industries. The potent methods used were born out of criminal forensics, exemplifying the level of granular detail that Oritain holds itself to.
Ideally, companies like Oritain shouldn’t have to exist, and arguments could be raised about a company’s efficacy if it can’t track its resources itself, as well as the redundancy of health and safety bodies that Oritain offers a second layer to. Regardless, Oritain’s services provide peace of mind and can weed out rotten apples within a business’s supply chain, especially important for start-ups that are finding their feet.
Oritain is currently used by a wide range of companies, including Lacoste and Manuka Health, whilst it also offers its services to governments and industry bodies. The latter partnerships are especially important moving forward, as more companies ramp up their net-zero and sustainability efforts.
Company Specialist at Welcome to the Jungle
Grant Cochrane
(Founding Chairman & Director)Current Owner at Totora Hills. Previously Director at AG Foley Ltd, Currency Option Trader at Citibank, Credit Suisse and RBC.