
Online LaTeX editor

Overleaf logo
21-100 employees
  • B2C
  • Internal tools
  • Publishing
  • SaaS
  • Media
Farringdon, London, UK

Company mission

To help make science and research faster, more open and more transparent.

15% employee growth in 12 months

Our take

Dubbed the Google Docs for science, Overleaf enables modern collaborative authoring tools for academics. Its primary product is an online, real-time collaborative editor for papers, theses, technical reports, and so on, written in the LaTeX markup language.

Despite being founded in 2012, it has experienced its largest phase of growth only relatively recently. This is partially due to an increased need for collaborative tools among scientists who are working in globally distributed teams, but also because of Overleaf's growing reputation as a sophisticated platform for academics. It passed the 10 million user mark in 2021 and has continued to grow steadily in popularity.

The company, in its own words, has entered a new era, and describes its goal as becoming the first port of call for scientific writing for researchers, students and enterprises alike. With a product under constant development and a large and enthusiastic community of users, it is well poised to achieve its aim.

Freddie headshot


Company Specialist at Welcome to the Jungle


  • We're backed by Bethnal Green Ventures (https://bethnalgreenventures.com/) and Digital Science (https://www.digital-science.com/), through which we're part of a wider community of startups in science, health and ed-tech
  • Our London office is shared with several other Digital Science companies, so there's lots of interesting people to meet, and clubs and sports activities outside of work
  • Remote and flexible working
  • You would join a small, dedicated and growing team
  • We're substantially (around 80%) open source, so your work will often be on open source
  • You can pick your own equipment. MacBook Pro? Lenovo ThinkPad? Notebook and pen? However you like to work, we'll provide what you need
  • We provide a training budget; many of our staff choose to attend relevant industry conferences or buy training materials
  • We run a biweekly internal seminar series (show and tell) with short talks from staff about their work or personal projects, new technologies and techniques

Company values

  • We are brave in the pursuit of better
  • We are collaborative and inclusive
  • We are always open-minded
  • We are from and for the community

Funding (1 round)

Aug 2013



Total funding: $0.1m


Previously served as a Systems Engineer for Advanced Transport Systems - Ultra PRT, Network and Website Supervisor for Lister Hall Student Association, and as CTO for A Virtual View.